Sexual Violence

Alexandria Technical & Community College does not tolerate sexual misconduct or sexual violence of any kind in any context. We are committed to empowering students who experience sexual assault or other forms of sexual misconduct to pursue disciplinary, criminal, and civil action if they choose to do so.

Please call 911, if it's an emergency.

Have you experienced Sexual Misconduct?

If you are a member of the Alexandria Technical & Community College community and have experienced sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape, dating/intimate partner or domestic violence, harassment based on gender nonconformity, stalking, cyber-stalking, or retaliation, you have options for support.

If you are not sure whether or not you want to keep an issue confidential, begin by contacting one of the options for confidential support.

FYI: No disciplinary action will be taken against you by ATCC for violating campus conduct policy regarding alcohol or drug use if you are reporting an act of sexual misconduct.

Confidential Support

If you want to talk to someone confidentially, the following offer support and are not mandated to report to college officials:

Someplace Safe 24/7 Confidential Crisis Helpline


ATCC Counseling Center


Confidential Employee

Julie Trosvig
Counseling Center – Room 113

Reporting & Accommodations

Options for support and accommodations as well as options for reporting can be provided by:

Title IX Coordinator/1B.3 Coordinator
Rick Skillings
Main Building, Room 108

Anonymous Reporting

External Website: ATCC Sexual Misconduct Reporting Form allows you to anonymously report sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator, from your computer or mobile device.

Telling Staff or Faculty

If you decide to tell ATCC staff or faculty (including Resident Assistants), they may be required to notify the 1B.3 Coordinator. The 1B.3 Coordinator will then contact you to discuss options for support and accountability.


The Alexandria community offers a variety of services and resources that support those affected by Gender-Based Violence. Browse the options below to learn more about how Alexandria Technical & Community College and the surrounding community can help.

Title IX Coordinator/1B.3 Officer
Rick Skillings
Email Rick Skillings
Main Building, Room 108

The Title IX Coordinator/1B.3 Officer can help victims of Gender-Based Violence by:

  • Assistance with personal safety planning
  • Referrals to resources and healthcare
  • What to expect if you report the crime to law enforcement
  • Information about gender-based violence
  • Title IX Training

ATCC Counseling Center


Someplace Safe Confidential 24/7 Crisis Helpline


Title IX Coordinator

Rick Skillings
Email Rick Skillings
Main Building, Room 108

External Website: Anonymous Reporting - ATCC Sexual Misconduct Reporting Form

ATCC Counseling Center


ATCC Security

ATCC Security is available from 5:00 PM until campus closure on days when classes are in session.

  • Main Facility: 320-304-1451
  • LEC & 700 Buildings: 320-304-1458

In an emergency, call 911.

Alexandria Police Department (Non-emergency)


Someplace Safe Confidential 24/7 Crisis Helpline


The Someplace Safe Confidential provides a 24/7 crisis hotline and victim advocates who can accompany victims/survivors to a hospital, police station, or court.

Call the 24/7 Confidential Someplace Safe Crisis Helpline for:

  • Confidential counseling, support, and referrals for victims/survivors of sexual misconduct.
  • 24/7 crisis intervention and support
  • Crisis intervention and support
  • Referrals to resources in the local area
  • Answers to your questions about recovering from sexual assault
  • Explanations of the criminal justice system
  • What to expect if you report the crime to the police or the college
  • Assistance with personal safety planning
  • Information about gender-based violence
  • Information for family and friends of victims/survivors

Douglas County Hospital - Emergency Department


Provides medical help 24/7. A SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) nurse is available to provide an evidentiary exam, treatment for STIs, pregnancy testing and prevention. There is no charge for the exam.

External Website: Day One Emergency Shelter & Crisis Hotline -

One Call, One Result: Your Safety. If you're being hurt or abused, The Minnesota Day One Crisis Hotline 866-223-1111 assists you to get help, get safe, and get support. One call connects you with an advocate trained in supporting victims and survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking who can help you find a shelter and the services you need in your area.

External Website

External Website: Know Your IX

Know Your IX is a survivor- and youth-led organization that aims to empower students to end sexual and dating violence in their schools.

External Website: Not Alone Not Alone

Includes information for students, schools, and anyone interested in finding resources on how to respond to and prevent sexual assault. Not Alone was launched in connection with the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault.

External Website: - Finding help after a rape in Minnesota

Get Help Now: What to do if you are raped in MN

  • I have been raped and need to know my options or
  • Someone I care about was raped and I need to know how to help them.

External Website: YouTube Video It's a People Issue - Winona State University