The dean of the Police Training and Education (PTE) program, Dr. Shawn L. Williams, partnered with Dr. Mark Bannatyne of Minnesota State Community and Technical College to provide a group of students from H. Cegielski Technical High School Complex in Śrem, Poland, the opportunity to tour Alexandria College’s PTE program and learn about law enforcement in the United States.
Williams provided the tour to the visiting students. He showed them the Memorial Walkway, tactical warehouse, and tactical village. The visit culminated in a question-and-answer session where the students could learn about peace officer training in the U.S., and Alexandria College could learn about training methods in Poland.
“There was a fascinating exchange of insights into law enforcement and a unique opportunity to learn about the training methods at a national level in Poland,” said Williams.
Poland’s unique training program begins in high school, setting students on a four-year training path. Polish students complete their initial coursework and then may choose to use part of their high school time to move directly into law enforcement education. After two years, the students can move onto a hands-on training setting for the next two years.
“This is a model worth exploring,” said Williams.
The Alexandria College PTE program is grateful for the opportunity to connect globally to teach others about the college’s renowned training program, but also to learn from other’s experiences. Alexandria College strives to foster international partnerships in education, workforce development, and beyond.
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