General Engineering Technology AAS

This program prepares individuals to apply basic engineering principles and technical skills in support of engineers engaged in a wide variety of projects. Includes instruction in various engineering functions involving design, construction, installation, manufacturing, testing, maintenance, research, production, operations, and applications to specific engineering specialties.

Students may select an emphasis based on their military occupation: general, civil, construction, electrical, mechanical, telecommunications, or software engineering technology. 

The curriculum in this program is specifically designed for service members who have completed training in any engineering technology type occupational specialty.


General Engineering Technology Certificate

This certificate recognizes completion of the lower division math and science courses required to major in engineering technologies at the bachelor's level.

Please note: These programs are currently only available for United States Naval Community College (USNCC) students.

The curriculum below is the most current information available. To browse curriculum from the current academic year and past years, please view our Academic Catalogs. If you are a current student with questions about your course requirements, please speak with your advisor or refer to your Degree Audit Report (DARS) in eServices.

Click here for course descriptions.

1FallCHEM1500General Chemistry I45
1FallENGL1410Composition I33
1FallNAVYNavy Courses33
   Semester Total1415
2SprCSCI1525C++ for Scientists and Engineers44
2SprENGR1220Introduction to Engineering34
2SprMATH1447Introduction to Statistics44
2SprPHYS1407College Physics I33
2SprPHYS1408College Physics I Lab12
   Semester Total1517
3FallENGL1420Composition II33
3FallMEDR1617Computer Assisted Drafting 2-D34
3FallNAVYNavy Courses33
3FallNAVYNavy Courses33
3FallNAVYNavy Courses33
   Semester Total1516
4SprNAVYNavy Courses33
4SprNVYTNavy Technical Credits1313
   Semester Total1616
   Program Total6064


1FallENGR1220Introduction to Engineering34
   Semester Total78
2SprMATH1447Introduction to Statistics44
2SprPHYS1407College Physics I33
2SprPHYS1408College Physics I Lab12
   Semester Total89
3FallMEDR1617Computer Assisted Drafting 2-D34
3FallNVYTNavy Technical Credits1212
   Semester Total1516
   Program Total3033


Note: AAS degrees must have Gen. Ed. courses from three goal areas and AS degrees from six goal areas of the MN Transfer Curriculum.

Visit with advisor or refer to Degree Audit Report for elective options.

This course sequence is an example.