Victim's Rights

Members of the ATCC community who identify themselves as victims or survivors of sexual assault may rely on the following provisions in support of their recovery.

  1. You can choose whether or not to file a complaint with the appropriate college department or with law enforcement.
  2. You do not have to identify the alleged perpetrator, unless the information is necessary to respond to your request for a specific form of assistance.
  3. Before making a report to a college official, you can request information about college policies and procedures for releasing personally identifiable information about you. You can request that information by contacting the Title IX Coordinator.
  4. You can request assistance from a confidential advocate or the Title IX Coordinator in filing a report with law enforcement.
  5. You can access confidential physical and mental health care at a healthcare facility of your choice without consenting to an investigation.
  6. You can request a barring of personal contact between you and the alleged perpetrator through the Title IX Coordinator.
  7. You can request relocation in college housing through the Title IX Coordinator.
  8. If you are a student, you can request a change in your class schedule to avoid contact with the alleged perpetrator through the Title IX Coordinator.
  9. You will be informed of the outcomes of the investigation.
  10. ATCC's investigative procedure guarantees the following rights if you have filed a complaint with the college:
    • To receive written information about the college's policies and procedures
    • To have an advisor or advocate of your choosing present during the investigative process

Remember, sexual violence is never the survivor's fault!

Title IX Coordinator/1B.3 Officer
Tam Bukowski
Email Tam Bukowski
Main Building, Room 108